The Face Behind Firuze

Hello everyone! My name is Ruzane Abedelmalik, the creative mind behind Firuze. Growing up, I was always a handy little girl, eager to help my dad around the house the many times he’s had to hang or fix something. Handing him the hammer and nails whenever he needed them became second nature to me. Slowly, I started picking up projects with him. I developed a love for working with my hands, and as you can see, that passion still burns strong within me.

Pulling together different decorative items and colors to create a masterpiece finish is something I truly enjoy. My goal is to share my work and connect with clients through their events, transforming their special occasions into something truly memorable.

The name “Firuze” really resonates with me because I've always felt that my name, Razan, was spelled differently. The additional "u" and "e" in my name made it unique. The "ruze" in Firuze is similar to my name and ties it all together, just like a project piece coming to life. Not only does Firuze come from the familiarity of my name, but it’s the main character of my favorite Turkish drama. It combines the multiple parts of my identity into a beautiful name. And who doesn’t love alliteration!!

Thank you for taking the time to learn a bit about me and my journey. I look forward to connecting with you all!